About us

Optimisation decision support software for
resource scheduling and management

For more than 30 years, SISCOG has been combining generic and client-specific knowledge, incorporating experience, research & innovation and mobility industry trends, to design optimisation resource scheduling and management software solutions for the transportation cluster.

The SISCOG Suite includes a combination of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research techniques, and offers management, schedulers, and dispatchers, software tools to improve business productivity and quality and, ultimately, the satisfaction of employees and passengers/clients.

The Team



38 Successful years

In the 1980s, João Pavão Martins and Ernesto Morgado, both Fulbright Scholars holding PhDs in Artificial Intelligence from State University of New York at Buffalo (USA), decided to combine scientific knowledge, cutting-edge technology and practical know-how and apply it to the rail business. Together, they created a key player in the rail and metro operations software market. Today, SISCOG ranks high in the world for rail scheduling systems and keeps expanding to new markets.

  • 1986

    Founding of SISCOG by Ernesto Morgado and João Pavão Martins, just four years after concluding their PhDs in Artificial Intelligence at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

  • 1988

    SISCOG starts developing its first Crew Scheduling prototype for the railway’s domain - for CP, the Portuguese Railways.

  • 1993

    New client: Dutch Railways (NS).
    SISCOG’s first contract with an international client. This milestone also marks the first software export for a Portuguese company.

  • 1997

    First “Innovative Application Award” by AAAI - Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, as recognition for the CREWS-based system developed for the Dutch Railways (NS).

  • 1998

    New client: Norwegian Railways (NSB, now VY).

  • 2000

    • SISCOG’s logo is updated. The new design, inspired by the original one, reflects the harmony and integration of SISCOG products and the relationship of the company with its clients. It also represents an open spirit to new ideas, as well as the innovation and flexibility needed for the development of knowledge-based systems.


    • SISCOG is certified in Quality (ISO 9001).

Our Values

Working hand-in-hand with clients, sharing successes and responsibilities, true partnerships are embedded in our culture and are the key to the successful development of our projects. Our continuous quest to enhance our solutions and excel in product quality and service, supported by a highly professional and competent team, is constantly driven by SISCOG’s core values – Client Commitment, Innovation, Excellence, Trust and Respect.

  • Values


    We encourage research, development and innovation in products, services and processes.

  • Values


    We encourage differences, respecting each other as professionals and persons.

  • Values


    We strive to achieve high levels of performance sustained in professionalism and excellence.

  • Values


    We promote respect and responsibility, through team spirit.

  • Values

    Client commitment

    We establish solid partnerships exceeding expectations and creating value.


Business Ethics

Information technology, artificial intelligence and operations research share a common aspect - a highly competitive and innovative spirit under constant change. SISCOG follows these natural transformations keeping a continuous commitment to making decisions based on an ethical and righteous conduct.

We honour our Code of Ethics and Conduct, which determines our relationship with employees, clients, suppliers, partners, society and environment. Our actions are governed by an ethical conduct, legal and regulatory compliance, prevention and combat of non-compliance of the law, human rights protection, non-discrimination and equal opportunities, fair competition, respect for intellectual property rights, and sustainability.

Conciliation between Professional, Family and Personal life

Balance between the three dimensions increases well-being and satisfaction

From the employees’ perspective, this balance is fundamental to increase levels of well-being, quality of life, personal satisfaction and personal and professional development. From SISCOG's perspective, this conciliation eases the contribution and involvement of employees with the organisation and its objectives, the achievement of higher productivity, and offers the benefits that arise from promoting their personal development and consequent learning.

The company joined the Pact for Conciliation in 2019, the first measure taken by the Portuguese Government that committed a pioneer group of companies and public bodies to the implementation of related practices.

SISCOG annually defines a plan within the scope of this conciliation, with objectives, actions, responsibilities, and deadlines. This plan is aligned with the contributions received from stakeholders and the organisation's strategy, and includes actions related to improving training offerings, increasing the organisation's attractiveness, and employee satisfaction and well-being. The Work-life Balance Policy can be found here.

SISCOG maintains an Integrated Management System that includes the principles of the Conciliation between Professional, Family and Personal life standards from NP 4552.

Suggestions, needs, or expectations regarding the professional, family and personal life balance can be sent by any SISCOG stakeholder to conciliation@siscog.pt.



Quality & Innovation

Quality and Innovation are at the heart of everything we do

These are key to SISCOG´s successful products and systems, and are powered by devoted teams, by abiding industry standards, monitoring international trends and advancements in the state-of-the-art, and listening to clients' suggestions and needs.

SISCOG has been investing on research, development and innovation (RD&I) from inception, and since 2003 dedicated an entire department to RD&I. In this lab, a team of highly skilled researchers, develop and improve algorithms and optimisation models used to solve resource scheduling and management challenges faced by the transportation and agriculture sectors. The work is done internally but also in partnership with other research labs, universities, and clients.

This positioning is consistently recognised through published papers and awards, and our clients’ continuous use of the systems.

SISCOG maintains an Integrated Management System that includes the principles of the Quality and the Research, Development and Innovation management standards (ISO 9001 and NP EN 4457, respectively).



Information Security

Security of information as a standard since inception

As one of the most critical assets for the operation and survival of an organization, information’s security management requires the selection and implementation of the best security controls, offering a high degree of trust to all stakeholders.

Our software development and maintenance undergo strict security of information management in terms of confidentiality, availability and integrity.

SISCOG maintains an Integrated Management System that includes the principles of the Information Security management standards from ISO 27001.




Environment respect is key to a sustainable and socially responsible organisation

The SISCOG Suite, as a set of products that optimise the operations of transportation companies, contributes for the sustainable use of resources by our clients, namely by enabling an efficient use of rolling stock, hence directly reducing power consumption.

At SISCOG, water and power consumption, and waste separation and reuse, have always been safeguarded. As has the concern in reducing our travel footprint by privileging meetings through the use of modern high quality communication technologies. These aspects reflect SISCOG’s major impacts on the environment, and efforts and goals are set out to continuously minimise them.

Our environment responsibility goes an extra mile, by maintaining an Integrated Management System that includes the principles of the Environment management standards from ISO 14001.



Excellence in products and business performance

SISCOG's work has been recognised by various international institutions as a company that develops groundbreaking and visionary software solutions, in addition to achieving sound and consistent management results.

  • 2024-2021


    COTEC Innovative Status, granted for meeting criteria such as a solid financial situation, investment in innovation, and management quality.

  • 2022-2010


    SME Leader statute, which distinguishes Portuguese companies with superior financial and economic performance.

  • Excelence SME


    SME Excellence statute, which recognises Portuguese companies that achieve excellent business performance and competitiveness.

  • 2021


    “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award” Finalist by Crédito Agrícola, for the AI4RealAg project, an intelligent system capable of generating useful forecasts and information for farmers.

  • 2015


    “Best Practice Paper Award” at CASPT, Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport, for a paper co-developed with the Dutch Railway (NS), “Security crew scheduling at Netherlands Railways”.

  • AAAI Innovation Application Awards

    2012, 2003 and 1997

    “Innovation Application Award” by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the most prestigious scientific organisation in the field worldwide.

  • Innovation COTEC-Unicer 2010 Award


    Honourable mention for the CREWS Real-time Dispatcher product in the “Innovation Awards COTEC-Unicer”.

  • Computerworld Honors Program 2016 Award


    Medal of merit by the “Computerworld Honors Program” and qualification among the top five contributions in the transportation category.